Where to cut your Christmas tree

Your perfect tree is out there, raised on a farm, shaped by the grower, waiting for families to embark on the annual hunt. Many of the tree farms listed here are open already. The opening date is noted on the others.

The race is on: ready, set, cut.

North county

Alan Acres Tree Farm: 27314 36th Ave. NW, Stanwood; 360-629-3877. 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily through Dec. 22. Take I-5 exit 212 and go west toward Stanwood 13/4 miles, turn right on 36th Avenue NW and go another half mile. Noble, Fraser, Douglas and grand firs, Norway spruce.

Arney Farm Nursery: 29505 203rd Ave. NE, Arlington; 360-435-3030. 10 a.m. to dusk daily through Dec. 13; closed Nov. 29. Farm is located 10 miles out of Arlington off Highway 530 in Oso; follow signs. Choose-and-cut and live noble and Nordmann firs; wreaths.

Bowen Tree Farm and Christmas Cottage: 19301 95th Ave. NE, Arlington; 360-435-9260. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Fridays through Sundays through Dec. 20. Take I-5 exit 208, go east on Highway 530 to Highway 9 to 204th, then east on 204th to four-way stop; follow signs. Grand, Nordmann and noble firs.

Christmas Tree Lane: 22816 67th Ave. NE, Arlington; 360-435-3748. 9 a.m. to dusk Saturdays and Sundays through Dec. 20. From Arlington, follow Highway 9 north across the Haller Bridge, turn left at Schloman Road; follow signs. Grand and noble firs, Norway spruce.

Farmer Brown’s Tree Farm: 12017 109th Ave. NE, Arlington; 360-659-6686; www.brownxtree.com. 9 a.m. to dusk Fridays through Mondays through Dec. 21. Take I-5 exit 199, go east on Highway 528 (Fourth Street), take Highway 9 north to 84th Street NE, go east to 99th Avenue NE, then north to 124th Street NE; follow signs. Noble, Douglas, Fraser and grand firs, Norway and Colorado spruce.

Fish Creek Tree Farm: 18420 Third Ave. NE, Arlington; 360-652-9030. 10 a.m. to dusk daily through Dec. 21. Take I-5 exit 206, go west 2 miles on Lakewood Road, turn right on Third Avenue, and go 3/4 mile on Sill Road. Noble, Douglas, Fraser and grand firs, spruce, Scotch and white pine.

Happy Valley Tree Farm: Happy Valley Road and 212th Street NW, Silvana; 360-652-8612. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays through Dec. 13. From I-5, take Smokey Point exit to 40th Street NW, turn right, continue through Happy Valley, sign is at entrance. From Silvana, follow Norman Road, which turns into Happy Valley Road and leads to 212th Street NW. Noble, Nordmann and true firs; $20 for trees up to 20 feet; no sheared trees.

Holiday Forest: 3125 280th St. NW, Stanwood; 360-629-9097. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Fridays through Sundays through Dec. 20. Take I-5 exit 212, go west on Highway 532, turn right onto 28th Street and go 1.4 miles, turn left onto 280th, farm is on right. Noble, Douglas, Fraser, Turkish and grand firs, Norway and blue spruce, balsam.

Kiss Kingle’s Christmas Tree: 21727 Jordan Road, Arlington; 360-659-6036. 10 a.m. to dusk daily until sold out. Take I-5 exit 205, go east on Highway 530 toward Darrington, turn right onto Arlington Heights Road, go 1 mile and turn right onto Jordan Road; follow signs. Fraser and noble firs.

Luduc Christmas Trees: 5930 267th Place NE, Arlington; 360-435-9503. 8 a.m. to dusk daily Dec. 1 through 24. Take Highway 9 to Grandview Drive, follow Grandview Drive to 267th Place, turn right and farm is at second house on the right. Noble and Danish firs.

Misty Meadows and Walker Forest Nursery: 16809-16905 Jordan Road, Arlington; 360-691-6260. 10 a.m. to dusk daily through Dec. 24. From Granite Falls, turn left on Jordan Road, continue 7 miles, farm is on right. From Arlington (I-5 exit 208), go east on Highway 530 through Arlington, turn right at Arlington Heights Road, go east approximately 1 mile, turn right on Jordan Road and continue 7 miles to farm. U-cut, precut and live potted trees.

Muskrat Flats Tree Farm: 501 Pioneer Highway, Arlington; 360-652-9184. 9 a.m. to dusk daily Dec. 3 through 25. Take I-5 exit 208 to Silvana, 2 miles from highway; farm is last house on the right before crossing Stillaguamish River. Grand, Nordmann, noble and Colorado white firs.

Outback Christmas Trees and Kangaroo Farm: 10030 Highway 530 NE, Arlington; 360-403-7474; www.christmastreesandroos.com. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily through Dec. 24. From Arlington, go east 4 miles on Highway 530; farm is on right. Noble, Fraser and grand firs.

Paterson’s Lazy Acres Tree Farm: 1315 188th St. NE, Arlington (Smokey Point); 360-652-7661. 9 a.m. to dusk daily through Dec. 21; closed Tuesdays. Take I-5 exit 206, go west 1 mile, turn right on 19th, do not cross railroad tracks; turn left on 188th Street NE. Farm is three blocks down, on right. Noble, Douglas, Fraser and grand firs, Norway spruce.

Pilchuck Secret Valley Christmas Tree Farm: 9533 Mose Road, Arlington; 360-435-9799; www.pilchuckxmastrees.com. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesdays through Sundays through Dec. 20. Take I-5 exit 208 to Arlington; turn left onto Highway 9, then turn right onto Harvey Creek Road. Go 1 mile, turn right onto Lake Armstrong Road, continue until it ends; follow signs to farm. Douglas, Fraser, Turkish, Japanese, Korean, grand and noble firs, canaan, balsam and Russian.

Point Valdimar Farm: 4921 Silvana Terrace Road, Stanwood; 360-652-2291, 425-501-6295. 9 a.m. to dusk Saturdays and Sundays through Dec. 20. Take I-5 exit 208, go west through Silvana, turn left at Larson Road; follow signs for 21/2 miles. Grand and noble firs, Norway spruce.

Stillyridge Tree Farm: 20811 99th Ave. NE, Arlington; 360-435-3435. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays, Nov. 29 through Dec. 20. Take I-5 exit 208, go east to Highway 9, turn south onto Highway 9, take second left and follow signs for 2 miles. Douglas firs.

The Tree Farm: 3133 268th NW, Stanwood; 360-629-7621. 9 a.m. to dusk daily through Dec. 24. Take I-5 exit 212, go west toward Stanwood, turn right on 28th Avenue NW, turn left on 268th NW, farm is 1/4 mile farther, on the right. Douglas, noble and grand firs.

Twin Lakes Tree Farm: 16332 19th Ave. NE, Arlington; 360-652-5090. 10 a.m. to dusk Saturdays and Sundays until sold out. Take I-5 exit 206 Smokey Point, go west approximately 1 mile on 172nd Street NE, then south on 19th Drive NE, farm is 1/2 mile down on the right. U-cut noble firs; $35 per tree.

Central county

Adopt-A-Stream Foundation live Christmas tree rental: Northwest Stream Center, 600 128th St. SE, Everett; 425-316-8592; www.streamkeeper.org. Pick-up 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Dec. 14 through 18 or 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Dec. 19, drop-off 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Jan. 4 through 8. Take I-5 exit 186 (128th Street SE). Go east for 1/2 mile. Turn right into McCollum Park. Follow park road to Northwest Stream Center building at far south end of park. $20 per tree, $10 refunded at time of drop-off. Cedars, shore pines, Sitka spruce, Douglas firs.

Busy “B” Tree Farm: 8711 60th St. NE, Marysville; 360-435-9227. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Fridays through Sundays through Dec. 13. From I-5, take exit 199, go east on Fourth Street, turn right at 83rd Avenue NE, follow signs and turn left onto 60th Drive. From Highway 9, turn left at Highway 528 light, turn left at 83rd Avenue NE and left onto 60th Drive; follow signs. Turkish, noble and grand firs; limited Douglas firs.

Lochsloy Acres: 5511 Highway 92, Lake Stevens; 425-308-0355; www.lochsloyacres.com. 9 a.m. to dusk Saturdays and Sundays, 11 a.m. to dusk weekdays through Dec. 20 or until sold out; closed Tuesdays. From I-5 in Everett, go east on U.S. 2, follow trestle along Highway 204, turn left onto Highway 9, then right onto Highway 92. Go 3.9 miles. Farm is on right. U-cut Douglas, Fraser and grand firs; holiday wreaths and swags.

East county

Campbell Tree Farm: 12219 Springhetti Road, Snohomish; 360-568-8826. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Fridays through Sundays until sold out. Located 2 miles south of Harvey Airfield on Springhetti Road, just east of Highway 9. U-cut Fraser and Douglas firs.

Willem VanderHorst Trees: 4205 Tom Marks Road, Snohomish; 425-377-0699. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Fridays through Sundays through Dec. 20. From Bickford Avenue in Snohomish, go less than 1 mile north and take a right on Sinclair Avenue, followed by another right onto Tom Marks Road, then follow signs. Farm is near Top Foods store. Grand and noble firs.

Granite Falls Lions Club: 7720 Highway 92, watch for “Bakko’s Nursery” and other signs. 10 a.m. to dusk Saturdays and Sundays, weather permitting through Dec. 19. U-cut Fraser and grand firs; $20 per tree; 360-691-2555, 360-658-4539.

Lervik’s Christmas Tree Farm: Corner of Highway 92 and 84th Street NE (Getchell Road), Granite Falls; 360-941-4793; www.LerviksChristmasTrees.com. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Fridays through Sundays through Dec. 20. Take Highway 9 to Highway 92, go east 6 miles toward Granite Falls to 84th Street NE. U-cut Fraser, Douglas, grand and noble firs, Scotch pine, Norway spruce; $20 per tree; limited supply of live nobles, priced as marked.

Promised Land U-Cut Christmas Trees: 22510 Dubuque Road, Snohomish; 425-737-5310; www.pscta.org. 9 a.m. to dusk daily until sold out; closed Tuesdays. From Snohomish, follow Maple as it turns into Machias, turn right on Dubuque, farm is 7.8 miles on the right. From Monroe, go out Woods Creek Road, take a right at the “Y,” continue past Lake Roesiger, past four mailboxes. Grand, Douglas and noble firs.

Reade Christmas Tree Ranch: 7724 171st Ave. SE, Snohomish; 360-862-8778. 10 a.m. to dusk Tuesdays through Fridays, 9 a.m. to dusk Saturdays and Sundays until sold out. From U.S. 2 between Snohomish and Monroe, go east on Westwick Road for 2 miles, then go north on 171st Avenue SE for 1 mile. Follow signs, turn under Bonneville power lines. Douglas, Nordmann, noble and grand firs; spruce.

Reiner Farms: 168th Street SE and Highway 203, Monroe; 425-344-2940. 10 a.m. to dusk Thursdays through Sundays through Dec. 22. Farm is at intersection of Highway 203 and 168th Street SE. From the north, go 300 feet south of Lewis Street bridge. From the south, go 500 feet north of Ben Howard Road on the east side of Highway 203. Choose-and-cut or precut Noble, Douglas and grand firs.

Ricci Villa Farm: 10917 Elliott Road, Snohomish; 425-345-6975. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mondays through Saturdays, 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Sundays until sold out. From Highway 522, go north on Fales Road for 2 miles, then turn left on Elliott Road. Farm is on the left, 2 miles east of Highway 9. Noble, Nordmann, Douglas, Fraser and grand firs; holiday wreaths and crosses.

Seven Springs Tree Farm: 3729 Menzel Lake Road, Granite Falls; 360-691-6459. 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays through Dec. 6. Take Highway 92 through Granite Falls to Alder, turn right on Alder, turn left at stop sign, continue 41/2 miles, following signs. Farm is on left. Noble, Douglas and grand firs.

St. Nick’s Trees: 25411 74th Place SE, Monroe; 360-794-5647. 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily until sold out. Take U.S. 2 to Monroe, turn north at Taco Time on Woods Creek Road, follow signs. Noble, Fraser and grand firs.

Stocker Farms: 8705 Marsh Road, Snohomish; 360-568-7391; www.stockerfarms.com. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Fridays through Sundays until sold out. Choose-and-cut Fraser, Douglas, noble and grand firs.

Trees R Us: 13015 Kellogg Lake Road, Sultan; 425-293-4477. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays until sold out. Go east on U.S. 2, turn left on Kellogg Lake Road, farm is 1 mile further, up the hill. Douglas and grand firs, blue spruce.

Tree Patch: 5029 Robe-Menzel Road, Granite Falls; 360-691-5927. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Fridays through Sundays until sold out. From Granite Falls, turn south on Granite Avenue, go 3 miles on Robe-Menzel Road to farm; watch for signs. Noble, Fraser and Nordmann firs; wreaths.

Farther afield

Carnation Tree Farm: 31523 NE 40th St., Carnation; 425-333-4510; www.carnationtreefarm.com. 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Wednesdays through Sundays through Dec. 20. Farm is two blocks south of Carnation on Highway 203, across from middle school. Noble, Douglas, Fraser, Nordmann, Turkish, Korean and grand firs, Norway spruce.

JP Landscape Services: 29726 NE Cherry Valley Road, Duvall; 425-844-2816; www.jplandscapeservices.com. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily until sold out. From U.S. 2 in Monroe, take Highway 203 at S. Lewis Street; turn south. Continue until Town of Duvall sign (on right), turn left at the “Y” in front of GSR Rental on NE Cherry Valley Road. Farm is 2 miles farther, on the left; watch for large entrance sign at gravel driveway. Fresh-cut or choose-and-cut Douglas, Fraser, grand and noble firs.

Westby Tree Farm: 4508 156th St. SE, Bothell; 509-968-3123. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Dec. 5. Turn east off Bothell-Everett Highway at Mill Creek Plaza (164th SE), turn right on 35th Avenue SE, left on 156th Street and follow signs to farm. Douglas, Fraser and grand firs.

Woodbee Christmas Tree Farm: 2870 N. Torpedo Road, Oak Harbor; 360-240-9461; www.woodbeechristmastree.com. 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily through Dec. 24. Take I-5 north for 35 miles from Everett to Burlington; Burlington to Oak Harbor on Highway 20 for 30 miles; or take the Mukilteo Ferry to Clinton, then go 30 miles on Highway 20 to Oak Harbor; farm is in north Oak Harbor off Regatta Drive and Torpedo Road; follow the signs from Highway 20. U-cut and precut Fraser, Douglas and noble firs, Norway spruce; wreaths and flocked trees.

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