Comment: Pending cuts to medical research would harm all in state

As UW medical scientists, we urge Washingtonians to defend the NIH’s life-saving research funding.

By Jakob von Moltke, Patrick Mitchell and Thornton Thompson / For The Herald

We are biomedical research scientists at the University of Washington School of Medicine. Our job is to investigate the mysteries of living systems, including cancer, infectious diseases, and our body’s defenses against these ailments. We love our work. Biology is fascinating, and by studying it, we can better understand how to help people live healthier and longer.

We all have a friend or family member who has suffered from diabetes or cancer or a neurological condition. Maybe your child has been hospitalized with a bad respiratory infection. Treatments for all these diseases came from discoveries made by university scientists.

However, biomedical research across the country is now at risk due to recent federal policy changes.

Our research is primarily funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), a federal organization that provides monetary support for top-level science across the United States. In Washington state, the NIH provides $1.3 billion for research annually, supporting nearly 12,000 jobs and generating almost $3 billion in revenue. Overall, this is a fantastic investment for taxpayers.

NIH-funded research provides benefits that are impossible to replicate in a for-profit setting. By law, our findings must be shared in publicly accessible research journals. This allows our discoveries to efficiently spread throughout the scientific community and facilitates new drug development across the pharmaceutical sector.

For instance, cutting-edge cancer “immunotherapies” all have come from NIH-funded labs asking basic questions about how the immune system works. These treatments are now saving lives every day.

Research institutions like ours are also efficient economic engines powering regional development. A recent study found that every $1 spent by the NIH results in $2.46 of economic activity. And if that weren’t enough, we are fully and solely responsible for training the next generation of scientists. The entire American biotechnology sector relies on NIH-funded institutions.

After leaving work on Friday, Feb. 7, we learned that major cuts had been ordered to NIH funding for biomedical research. One week later, thousands of NIH employees were removed from their jobs.

These cuts were justified with suggestions that NIH funds are funneled into slush funds of university deans. This is absurd and untrue. The targeted funds overwhelmingly support basic laboratory infrastructure, shared equipment, and non-research personnel like our department finance teams.

These cuts have been put on hold by federal judges, but if they go through, research will come to a screeching halt as we struggle to deal with a huge, unanticipated financial shortfall.

We risk losing the infrastructure that fuels scientific breakthroughs and new treatments. Some of us and our colleagues will lose our jobs. Other research institutions may face even more dire consequences. For example, UW Medicine would lose approximately $90 million. Every state in the country has at least one major university or medical center that relies on support from the NIH.

How can these cuts benefit us as a country? We should be investing more in science, not less.

We urge you to dig deeper and learn more about NIH funding and the ways in which publicly funded scientific research benefits you and your community.

You can also show support and learn more at national and local Stand Up for Science events on March 7. Talk to your friends and family. Let them know that these cuts are irresponsible, ill-informed, and against our national interest.

Authors: Dr. Patrick Mitchell is an assistant professor of Microbiology at the University of Washington School of Medicine. Dr. Jakob von Molke is an associate professor of Immunology at the University of Washington School of Medicine. Dr. Thornton W. Thompson is a postdoctoral researcher of Immunology at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

Jakob von Moltke is an associate professor for University of Washington’s Department of Immunology. Patrick Mitchell is an assistant professor for the UW Department of Microbiology. Thornton Thompson is a postdoctoral scholar for the UW Department of Immunology.

These opinions represent the views of more than 450 biomedical researchers across Washington state.

Name Position Department Institution
Jakob von Moltke Associate Professor Immunology University of Washington
Thornton Thompson Postdoctoral Scholar Immunology University of Washington
Patrick Mitchell Assistant Professor Microbiology University of Washington
Brianna Ramirez Rubio Graduate Researcher Immunology University of Washington
Jakob Bakhtiari Graduate Researcher Immunology University of Washington
Shealyn O’Connor University of Washington Immunology University of Washington
Andrew Oberst Professor Immunology University of Washington
Autumn York Assistant Professor Immunology University of Washington
Maddie Bell Research scientist Immunology University of Washington
Marcus Wong Postdoctoral Scholar Immunology University of Washington
Jaime Chao Postdoctoral Scholar Immunology University of Washington
Emmanuelle Genoyer Postdoctoral Scholar Immunology University of Washington
Pooja Srinivas Postdoctoral Scholar Microbiology University of Washington
Stefanie Krug Postdoctoral Scholar Microbiology University of Washington
Damion Winship Research Scientist III Immunology University of Washington
Chris Whidbey Associate Professor Chemistry Seattle University
Stephanie Cambier Research Scientist III Immunology University of Washington
Marin Miner Graduate Researcher Microbiology Oregon Health & Science University
Miles Corley Graduate Researcher Microbiology University of Washington
Debarati Bhadury Research Scientist II Immunology University of Washington
Zealon Gentry-Lear Graduate Researcher Microbiology University of Washington
Marisa Yonemitsu Graduate Researcher Microbiology/MCB University of Washington
Cole Pugliano Graduate Researcher Immunology University of Washington
Sam Ritmeester-Loy Graduate Researcher Immunology/MCB University of Washington
Allison Naumann Research Scientist I Periodontics University of Washington
Ryan Tibble Postdoctoral Scholar Microbiology University of Washington
Kristopher A. Kerns Acting Assistant Professor Periodontics University of Washington
Susana Orozco Staff Scientist Immunology Benaroya Research Institute, University of Washington
Natalie Thulin Graduate Researcher Immunology University of Washington
Andrew Frando Postdoctoral Scholar Pulmonary, Critical Care, & Sleep Medicine University of Washington
Kristin Weinstein Graduate Researcher Immunology University of Washington
Beth Traxler Professor Microbiology University of Washington
Radika Soysa Postdoctoral scholor Clinical Reserch Division Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Peter Dietzen Graduate Researcher Basic Sciences/MCB Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, University of Washington
Wesley C. Van Voorhis Professor Medicine/Infectious Diseases University of Washington
Astra S. Bryant Assistant Professor Neurobiology and Biophysics University of Washington
Jennifer Lund Professor Global Health & Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division University of Washington and Fred Hutch
Michael Emerman Professor Microbiology & Human Biology University of Washington and Fred Hutch
Ferric Fang Professor Microbiology University of Washington
Thao Truong Assistant Professor Laboratory Medicine & Pathology University of Washington
Javeed Shah Associate Professor Allergy and Infectious Diseases University of Washington
Sarah M. Baker Acting Instructor Allergy and Infectious Diseases University of Washington
Caitlyn Cowick Research Scientist II Microbiology University of Washington
Irene Cruz Talavera Graduate Researcher Pathobiology University of Washington/Fred Hutch
Lauren Jatt Clinical and Research Fellow Allergy and Infectious Diseases University of Washington
Finn Barry Lab Technician Immunology Benaroya Research Institute
Cailin Jordan Graduate Researcher Basic Sciences/MCB Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, University of Washington
Lorenzo Giacani Professor Medicine/Infectious Diseases University of Washington
Nina Salama Professor Microbiology & Human Biology University of Washington and Fred Hutch
Rebecca Villa Graduate Researcher Pathobiology University of Washington
Tamanash Bhattacharya Postdoctoral Scholar Basic Sciences/MCB Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Jennifer Hyde Assistant Professor Microbiology University of Washington
Stephen Polyak Research Professor Laboratory Medicine & Pathology University of Washington
Rick Wells Research Scientist Comparative Medicine University of Washington
Orlando Cervantes Graduate Researcher Global Health University of Washington
Lucy Li Graduate Researcher MCB/MSTP University of Washington
Grant King Postdoctoral Scholar Basic Sciences Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Robert Smith Senior Research Scientist Allergy and Infectious Diseases University of Washington
Lynn Barrett Research Manager Allergy and Infectious Diseases University of Washington
Ciara Pike Post-Bac Research Technician Human Biology Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
JIm Heath Professor BioE, MolES, Chemistry, and Physics University of Washington
Ashley Vaughan Associate Professor Pediatrics University of Washington
John Ray Assistant Professor Systems Immunology Benaroya Research Institute, University of Washington
Darrick Carter CEO PAI Life Sciences Inc. PAI Life Sciences Inc.
Sean Gray Vice President PAI Life Sciences Inc. PAI Life Sciences Inc.
Victor Lui Postdoctoral Scholar Translational Immunology Benaroya Research Institute
Sid Venkatesh Assistant Professor Microbiology University of Washington and Institute for Systems Biology
Kanako Hayashi Professor School of Molecular Biosciences Washington State University
James M. Krueger Regents Professor College of Veterinary Medicine Washington State University
Michael H. Court Professor College of Veterinary Medicine Washington State University
Marty Kelty Graduate Researcher Microbiology University of Washington
Ruth Havertz Head of Operations PAI Life Sciences Inc. PAI Life Sciences Inc.
Jenn Davis Lab Manager PAI Life Sciences Inc. PAI Life Sciences Inc.
Jiho Kim Scientist PAI Life Sciences Inc. PAI Life Sciences Inc.
Alan Goodman Associate Professor School of Molecular Biosciences Washington State University
Sylvia Omulo Assistant Professor Paul G. Allen School for Global Health Washington State University
Lauren Martin Research Technician Translational Science and Therapeutics Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Bernie Sentigar Lab Technician Microbiology University of Washington
Michael Griswold Regents Professor emeritus Molecular Biosciences Washington State University
Dylan Omelia Lab Technician Immunology University of Washington
Steve Dvorkin Graduate Researcher Immunology University of Washington
Marion Pepper Professor Immunology University of Washington
Elya Shamskhou Graduate Researcher Immunology University of Washington
Sam Nutt Graduate Researcher Human Biology Fred Hutch Cancer Center
Kristen Witt Postdoctoral Researcher Immunology University of Washington
Eric Shelden Associate Professor School of Molecular Biosciences Washington State University
Aleah DeSchmidt Research Technician Translational Immunology Benaroya Research Institute
Simonne Guenette Graduate Researcher Laboratory Medicine & Pathology University of Washington
Shira Broschat Professor School of EECS Washington State University
Cristina Cunha Adjunct Faculty Colege of Veterinary Medicine Washington State University
Nicholas Panzera Graduate Researcher Immunology University of Washington
Delphina Walker-Phelan Research Scientist Immunology University of Washington
Megan Tatum Research Technician Translational Immunology Benaroya Research Institute
Prerana Shrestha Graduate Student Pathobiology University of Washington
Victoria Hayes Undergraduate Researcher Microbiology University of Washington
Justin Gregory Graduate Researcher Immunology University of Washington
Carrie Harwood Professor Microbiology University of Washington
Max Segnitz Research Scientist Allergy and Infectious Diseases University of Washington
Michael Conlon Graduate Researcher Immunology University of Washington
Julie Eggenberger Postdoctoral Researcher Immunology University of Washington
Zoe Bishop Lab Technician Immunology Benaroya Research Institute
Jason Netland Research Scientist Immunology University of Washington
Emma Bishop Bioinformatician School of Medicine University of Washington
LeAnn Nguyen Postdoctoral Researcher Systems Immunology Benaroya Research Institute
Jennifer Watts Professor School of Molecular Biosciences Washington State University
Ken Stuart Professor Pediatrics University of Washington
David Sherman Professor Microbiology University of Washington
Catherine Ryan Research Scientist I Allergy and Infectious Diseases University of Washington
Alison Stanbery Program Director for Postdocs Immunology University of Washington
Elena Schroeder Grant Manager Immunology University of Washington
Remi Savard Graduate Researcher Immunology University of Washington
John D Scott Professor Pharmacology University of Washington
Alejandra Lopez Graduate Researcher Immunology University of Washington
Rhea Coler Professor Pediatrics and Global Health University of Washington
Hunter Toyoda Graduate Researcher Microbiology University of Washington
Brooke Ramay Professor Paul G. Allen School for Global Health Washington State University
Minhee (Emily) Park Graduate Researcher Immunology University of Washington
Jacob Frick Graduate Researcher Microbiology University of Washington
Joy Twentyman Postdoctoral Fellow Pediatrics; Global Health Seattle Children’s/University of Washington
Lauren Shull Postdoctoral Scholar Microbiology University of Washington
Shally Margolid Postdoctoral Fellow Microbiology University of Washington
Roger Bumgarner Associate Professor Microbiology University of Washington
Ryan Culbert Lab Manager Comparitive Medicine University of Washington
Dana Shaw Associate Professor Veterinary Microbiology and Pathology Washington State University
Jason Smith Professor Microbiology University of Washington
Kim Foster Graduate Researcher Immunology University of Washington
Phil Bohn Research Scientist III Microbiology University of Washington
Madison Sanchez Graduate Researcher Microbiology University of Washington
Bart Staker Instructor Professional and Continuing Education University of Washington
Dawson Mathes Research Scientist II Microbiology Univeristy of Washington
Elizabeth Buffalo Professor Neurobiology and Biophysics University of Washington
Pavitra Roychoudhury Research Assistant Professor Laboratory Medicine & Pathology University of Washington and Fred Hutch
Mridu Acharya Assistant Professor Pediatrics University of Washington and Seattle Children’s
Laarni Aguila Graduate Researcher Microbiology University of Washington
Kayleen Lederman Graduate Researcher Microbiology University of Washington and Fred Hutch
Kaylee Vosbigian Graduate Researcher Veterinary Microbiology and Pathology Washington State University
Anthony Nicola Professor Veterinary Microbiology and Pathology Washington State University
Kathleen Voss Research Scientist III
Eleanor Lamont Graduate Researcher Microbiology University of Washington
John M. Hinz Assistant Professor School of Molecular Biosciences Washington State University
Amanda Antoch Graduate Researcher Microbiology University of Washington
Karen Thickman Associate Teaching Professor Microbiology University of Washington
Maureen Thomason Research Scientist Microbiology University of Washington
Peter Alaimo Professor and Department Chair Chemistry Seattle University
Elis Fisk Graduate Researcher Veterinary Microbiology and Pathology Washington State University
Steven Woodhams Research Scientist I Microbiology University of Washington
Raimon Duran-Struuck Professor and Department Chair Comparative Medicine University of Washington
Shoshanna Kahne Postdoctoral Scholar Microbiology University of Washington
Jeffrey McLean Professor Periodontics and Microbiology University of Washington
Taylor Johnson Graduate Researcher Public Health Genetics University of Washington
Jonathan Mattingly Graduate Researcher Immunology University of Washington
Michelle C. Sabo Assistant Professor Allergy and Infectious Diseases University of Washington
Jared Balolong Graduate Researcher Immunology University of Washington
Diane Rico Research Technician Basic Sciences Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Kim Dill-McFarland Senior Bioinformatician Allergy and Infectious Diseases University of Washington
Nathan Kieswetter Postdoc Medicine University of Washington
Kaitlin Hulce Postdoc Microbiology University of Washington
Kaitlin Sawatzki Research Scientist III Immunology University of Washington
Hamadoun Touré Postdoc Basic Sciences
JC Alexander Graduate Researcher Microbiology University of Washington
Fermin E. Guerra Research Scientist Laboratory Medicine and Pathology University of Washington
Ka Yee Yeung Professor School of Engineering and Technology University of Washington Tacoma
Nicole E. Smalley Research Scientist Microbiology University of Washington
Kyle Shea Postbac Program Manager Office of Education and Training Fred Hutch
Mengshi Zhang Postdoc Microbiology University of Washington
Neal Mausolf Research Scientist Immunology University of Washington
Naeha Subramanian Associate Professor Immunology Institute for Systems Biology and UW
Maxwell Dippel Research Technician Systems Immunology Benaroya Research Institute
Sally Dee Assistant to the Chair Immunology University of Washington
Robin Cagle Graduate Researcher Microbiology University of Washington/Fred Hutch Cancer Center
Sora Kim Postdoc Microbiology University of Washington
Annabelle Souza Graduate Researcher Pathobiology University of Washington
Ethan McClain Research Technician Translational Immunology Benaroya Research Institute
Kristina Adams Waldorf Professor Obstetrics and Gynecology University of Washington
Lauren Gonsalves Research Scientist Pediatrics University of Washington
Susan Brewer Postdoc Microbiology University of Washington
Anitha Pasupathy Professor Neurobiology and Biophysics University of Washington
James I. Mullins Professor (Emeritus) Microbiology University of Washington
Justas Venancio Rodarte Graduate Researcher Immunology University of Washington
Thomas Reh Professor Neurobiology and Biophysics Uniersity of Washington
Douglas Call Regents Professor School for Global Health Washington State University
Angela Henricks Assistant Professor Psychology Washington State University
Steve Perlmutter Professor Neurobiology & Biophysics University of Washington
David Raible Professor Neurobiology & Biophysics University of Washington
Rebecca Rashid Achterman Associate Teaching Professor Microbiology University of Washington
Reanna Edgerton Research Scientist I Immunology University of Washington
Arden Baylink Assistant Professor Veterinary Microbiology and Pathology Washington State University
Almira Beins Associate Teaching Professor Microbiology University of Washington
Yeon Jin Kim Acting Assistant Professor Neurobiology and Biophysics University of Washington
Andres Barria Professor Neurobiology and Biophysics University of Washington
Olivia Bermingham-McDonogh Professor Neurobiology and Biophysics University of Washington
Dennis Dacey Professor Neurobiology and Biophysics University of Washington
Wyeth Bair Professor Neurobiology and Biophysics University of Washington
Dante Acenas Graduate Researcher Immunology University of Washington
S. Brook Peterson Senior Scientist Microbiology University of Washington
Alec Smith Assistant Professor Neurobiology and Biophysics University of Washington
Viveka Vadyvaloo Associate Professor School for Global Health Washington State University
Mitra Heshmati Assistant Professor Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine University of Washington
Bonnie Berry Research Manager Department of Surgery University of Washington
Andrea Lius Graduate student Pharmacology University of Washington
Charles Chavkin Professor Pharmacology University of Washington
Justin Hatcher Graduate Student Pharmacology University of Washington
Justine Calise Staff Scientist Translational Immunology Benaroya Research Institute
Ethan Ancell PhD Student Statistics University of Washington
John Tuthill Professor Neurobiology and Biophysics University of Washington
Hannah Stevenson Research technician Anesthesiology and pain medicine University of Washington
Gloria Shen Undergraduate Student Psychology University of Washington
Vanessa Grifford Post Baccalaureate Fellow Psychiatry and Behavioral Science University of Washington
Abigail Elerding Graduate Student Researcher Pharmacology University of Washington
Hayley Waterman Post Doctoral Researcher Translational Immunology Benaroya Research Institute
Daina Tagavi Acting Assistant Professor Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences University of Washington/Seattle Children’s Hospital
Isabel Lane Graduate Researcher Immunology University of Washington/Fred Hutch Cancer Center
Zachary Quiogue Research Associate Microbiology University of Washington/HHMI
Rachael Stovall Acting Assistant Professor Rheumatology University of Washington
Sadie Reitz Graduate Program Advisor Microbiology University of Washington
Anthony English Graduate Student Pharmacology University of Washington
Ge-Sue Yang Undergraduate Student Environmental Public Health University of Washington
Karen Kline Veterinary Neurologist/Assoc. Professor Veterinary Clinical Sciences Washington State University CVM
Ivan Florentino Graduate Student Pharmacology University of Washington
Nicolas Duke Undergraduate Student Microbiology University of Washington
Kaylin Ellioff Graduate Researcher Pharmacology University of Washington
Madelyn Rice Post bac student NAPE center University of Washington
Claudia Moreno Assistant Professor Neurobiology and Biophysics University of Washington
Oscar Vivas Assistant Professor Pharmacology/Neurobiology and Biophysics University of Washington
Rechel Geiger Graduate Student School of Medicine University of Washington/Fred Hutch Cancer Center
Megan O’Connor Assistant Professor Laboratory Medicine and Pathology University of Washington
Brian Beliveau Assistant Professor Genome Sciences University of Washington
Shayan Avanessian Graduate Student Molecular and Cellular Biology University of Washington/Fred Hutch Cancer Center
Andrea Wills Associate Professor Biochemistry University of Washington
Nick Ressler Undergraduate researcher Neurobiology and Biophysics University of Washington
Kelley Harris Associate Professor Genome Sciences University of Washington
Celine Atkinson Graduate Researcher Periodontics University of Washington
Chrystal Guzman Graduate Reseacher Pharmacology University of Washington
Charles Asbury Professor Neurobiology and Biophysics University of Washington
Guy Hughes Palmer Regents Professor Paul G Allen School for Global Health Washington State University
Ada de la Cruz Research Scientist II Immunology University of Washington
Samuel I. Miller Professor Medicine, Microbiology, and Genome Sciences University of Washington
Leah Anderson Graduate Student Genome Sciences University of Washington
Elliot Lee Postdoctoral Fellow Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
sama ahmed Assistant Professor Psychology University of Washington
Erik Van Dis Postdoctoral Scholar – Fellow Immunology University of Washington
Vincenzo Cirulli Associate Professor Medicine and Phrmacology University of Washington
Mark Bothwell Professor Neurobiology and Biophysics University of Washington
Nicholas A. Steinmetz Assistant Professor Neurobiology and Biophysics University of Washington
Andrew Konecny Graduate Researcher Immunology University of Washington
Josh Larson Research Scientist III Neurobiology and Biophysics
Joe Powers Assistant Professor Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Mechanical Engineering University of Washington
Billy Ngo Graduate Researcher Microbiology University of Washington
Heber Lara Graduate Student Immunology University of Washington
Meghan Flanagan Associate Professor Surgery University of Washington
Mathew Summers Research Scientist Neurobiology Allen Institute for Neural Dynamics
MIchael Lagunoff Professor Microbiology University of Washington
Avi Matarasso Graduate Researcher Bioengineering University of Washington
Albina Makio Graduate Researcher Veterinary Microbiology and Pathology Washington State University
Shyanne King Graduate Researcher Laboratory Medicine & Pathology University of Washington
Josilyn Sejd Graduate Researcher Pharmacology University of Washington
Songwen Zhang Postdoc Pharmacology University of Washington
Chelsea Osbron Postdoctoral researcher Veterinary Microbiology & Pathology Washington State University
Maria Elena Danoviz Research Scientist Nephrology / Neurobiology & Biophysics University of Washington
Daniela D More Postdoctoral researcher Veterinary Microbiology and Pathology Washington State University
Bonnibelle Leeds Graduate Researcher Neurobiology & Biophysics University of Washington
Jennifer Kong Assistant Professor Biochemistry University of Washington
Ana Weil Assistant Professor Medicine – Allergy and Infectious Dis. University of Washington
David L. Mack Associate Professor Rehabilitation Medicine University of Washington
Laura Crisa Associate Professor Medicine University of Washington
Mary Lerwick Research Scientist/Engineer 1 Neurobiology & Biophysics University of Washington
Nancy MacKenzie Graduate Researcher Neurobiology & Biophysics University of Washington
Marshall Horwitz Associate Dean Laboratory Medicine & Patholgy University of Washington
Ellen Bakotich Graduate Researcher Neurobiology & Biophysics University of Washington
Sophie Kogut Graduate Researcher Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Kelsey Woodruff Graduate Researcher Translational Sciences and Therapeutics Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Olusegun Soge Associate Professor Global Health & Medicine University of Washington
Monica Tschang Graduate Researcher Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Joshua L. Fox Undergraduate Research Assistant Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences University of Washington
Theresa Chen Graduate Researcher Center for Developmental Biology and Regenerative Medicine Seattle Children’s Research Institute
Jessica Oda Graduate Researcher Program in Immunology Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Otto Chipashvili Graduate Researcher Microbiology University of Washington
Avery Chiu Undergraduate Assistant Infectious Diseases University of Washington
Jessie Kulsuptrakul Postdoctoral researcher Microbiology University of Washington
Julie Mathieu Associate Professor Comparative Medicine University of Washington
Tabitha Harrison Research Scientist and Graduate Student Epidemiology / Public Health Genetics University of Washington
Lily Worst Graduate Student Biochemistry University of Washington
Sumita Jain Research Assistant Professor Periodontics University of Washington
Laura Gold Research Scientist Radiology University of Washington
Michelle Reniere Associate Professor Microbiology University of Washington
Tara Reid Assistant Professor Medicine University of Washington
McKenna Hull Research Technologist III Veterinary Microbiology and Pathology Washington State University
Geoffrey Hutchinson Graduate Researcher Immunology University of Washington
Lennie Chen Research Scientist Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Burcu Darst Assistant Professor Public Health Sciences Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Margaret Chi Graduate Researcher Pathobiology University of Washington
Daniel C.N. Chan Professor Restorative Dentistry University of Washington
Grace Wang Research Scientist Microbiology University of Washington
Natalie Heitkamp Undergraduate Researcher Neurobiology and Biophysics University of Washington
Grace Davis Research Scientist Pharmacology University of Washington
Philip Creamer Postdoctoral Researcher Hematology and Oncology University of Washington
W. Conrad Liles Vice Chair and Professor Medicine University of Washington
Emily Georges Fellow Pediatrics University of Washington
Louisa Goss Research Assistant Public Health Sciences Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Alexis Ball Acting Assistant Professor Pediatrics University of Washington/Seattle Children’s Research Institute
Rachel Bender Ignacio Associate Professor and Robert W. Anderson Endowed Chair Medicine University of Washington/Fred Hutchonson Cancer Center
Geoffrey Balkman Assistant Professor Rehabilitation Medicine University of Washington
Ryan Choi Research Scientist IV Allergy and Infectious Diseases University of Washington
Carey Farquhar Professor Global Health and Medicine/Infectious Diseases University of Washington
Clayton E. Friedman Postdoctoral Scholar Medicine University of Washington
Katherine E. Prater Assistant Professor Neurology University of Washington
Carli Newman Postbaccalaureate Scholar Translational Sciences and Therapeutics Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Katie Lane Research Technician Obstetrics and Gynecology University of Washington
Eric Peterman Research Scientist Biology University of Washington
Christina Termini Assistant Professor Translational Science and Therapeutics Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Ava Obenaus PhD Candidate Mechanical Engineering Univesity of Washington
Moira Cornell Research Assistant Pharmacology University of Washington
Ariana Frey Graduate Researcher Bioengineering University of Washington
Robert Cornell Professor Oral Health Sciences University of Washington
Lena Johnson Research Scientist II Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine University of Washington
Manith Atapattu Undergraduate Researcher Center for Developmental Biology and Regenerative Medicine Seattle Children’s research Institute
Brianna Steiert Postdoctoral Researcher Veterinary Microbiology and Pathology Washington State University
Sarah Alaei Assistant Professor Sciences and Mathematics University of Washington Tacoma
Miriam Gonzaga Postbaccalaureate Researcher Biochemistry University of Washington Institute for Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine
Brad Hansen PhD Candidate Toxicology University of Washington
Adrienne Shapiro Assistant Professor Global Health and Medicine/Infectious Diseases University of Washington and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Sydney Klucas Graduate Researcher Pharmacology University of Washington
Charles Alpers Professor Laboratory Medicine and Pathology University of Washington
Jourdan Brune Clinician Researcher Comparative Medicine University of Washington
Matthew Magoon Graduate Researcher
Kristen Holmes Postdoctoral Scholar-Fellow Hematology & Oncology University of Washington Institute for Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine
Katherine Meinhold Graduate Researcher Bioengineering University of Washington
Dang Truong Undergraduate Researcher
Tessa Arends Postdoctoral Research Fellow Human Biology Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Kayleigh Robichaux Postdoctoral Research Fellow Translational Science and Therapeutics Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Alex Loiben Postdoctoral Scholar-Fellow Cardiology University of Washington
Jaxon Gordon Undergraduate Researcher Mechanical Engineering University of Washington
Katie Mitzelfelt Staff- Program Manager Bioengineering University of Washington
Thomas Vincent Graduate Student Bioengineering University of Washington
Simar Singh Postdoctoral Scholar Pharmacology University of Washington
Jill Johnsen Professor Medicine University of Washington
Libin Xu Associate Professor Medicinal Chemistry University of Washington
Vesta Baumgartner Research Scientist I Biochemistry University of Washington
Claudia Vásquez Assistant Professor Biochemistry University of Washington
Sangamithra Vardhan Graduate Researcher Bioengineering University of Washington
LuLu Callies Graduate Researcher Center for Developmental Biology and Regenerative Medicine Seattle Children’s Research Institute
Changho Chun Postdoctoral Research Fellow Rehabilitation Medicine University of Washington
Connor Mahoney Research Scientist Assistant Biochemistry University of Washington Institute for Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine
Ryan McMahan Research Scientist Cardiology University of Washington
Katherine Hui Research Scientist II Laboratory Medicine and Pathology University of Washington
Suzanne Hoppins Associate Professor Biochemistry University of Washington
Michael Mortensen Graduate Researcher School of Molecular Biosciences Washingtons State University
Abbi L. Engel Research Laboratory Supervisor Center for Developmental Biology and Regenerative Medicine Seattle Children’s Research Institute
Isabel Smith Research Scientist I Neurology University of Washington
Ashi Jain Research Scientist
Samuel Rayner Assistant Professor Medicine University of Washington
Jordan Ogg Graduate Student Laboratory medicine and pathology University of Washington
Lily Torp Graduate Student Bioengineering University of Washington
Chelsea Pagan Scientific Project Manager
Alexander Robinson Undergraduate Researcher MCD Biology, Biochemistry University of Washington
Brett Kiser Professor Biology Seattle University
Mark Andrade Graduate Researcher Molecular and Cell Biology University of Washington
Stephanie Page Professor Medicine, Metabolism, Endocrinology and Nutrition University of Washington
Leah VandenBosch Research Scientist III Center for Immunity and Immunotherapies Seattle Childrens Research Institute
Claire Truongdang Research Technologist II Obstetrics & Gynecology UW Medicine
Manasa Acharya Research Scientist Microbiology University of Washington
Francisco Saavedra Acting Instructor Biochemistry University of Washington
Cecilia Martindale Graduate Researcher Environmental and Occupational Health University of Washington
William DeWitt Assistant Professor Genome Sciences University of Washington
Joyce Tang Research Scientist Orthopaedic Surgery & Sports Medicine University of Washington
Kristina Kooiker Research Scientist Cardiology University of Washington
Joseph Albe Graduate Researcher Immunology Unversity of Washington
Keith Elkon Professor Emeritus Medicine Univerity of Washington
Kathryn Gray Associate Professor Obstetrics and Gynecology Unversity of Washington
Jairam Lingappa Research Scientist Global Health University of Washington
Lindsay Cates Research Scientist Neurological Surgery University of Washington
W. Ryan Will Research Scientist Laboratory Medicine & Pathology University of Washington
Megan Jutras Research Scientist Neurobiology and Phyophysics University of Washington
Rachel Moore Fellow Comparative Medicine University of Washington
Olivia Prado Graduate Researcher Bioengineering UNiversity of Washinton
David Beier Professor Pediatrics University of Washington
Hao Yuan Kueh Associate Professor Bioengineering University of Washington
Nayvin Chew Graduate Researcher Immunology University of Washington
Samantha Murray Tuesta Research Scientist/Engineer II Neurological Surgery University of Washington
Cathryn Payne Clinical Research Coordinator Department of Neurological Surgery University of Washington
Lexi Sotelo Research Scientist Neurology Department University of Washington
Victoria Jones Grants Manager Metabolism, Endocrinology, Nutrition University of Washington
Dale Hailey Director of the Garvey Microscopy Core Laboratory Medicine & Pathology University of Washington
Veronica Moldovanu Undergraduate Researcher Periodontics University of Washington
Nicole Ehrhardt, MD Assistant Professor of Medicine and Community Diabetes Researcher Metabolism, Endocrinology, Nutrition University of Washington
Charles Zhou Research Scientist Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine University of Washington
Monica Padilla Postbaccalaureate Scholar Vaccines and Infectious Diseases Division Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Lance Fredericks Graduate Researcher Pathobiology University of Washington
Nora Disis Professor Medicine University of Washington
Juniper Rambousek Research Scientist Medicine University of Washington
Katie Hitchcock-Bernhardt Research Scientist Obstetrics and Gynecology University of Washington
Kiara Eldred Postodoctoral Researcher Neurobiology and Phyophysics University of Washington
Laura den Hartigh Research Associate Professor Medicine- Metabolism, Endocrinology, Nutrition University of Washington
Valerie Bentivegna Resaerch Scientist Biology University of Washington
Xinxian Deng Research Associate Professor Laboratory Medicine & Pathology University of Washington
Meg Lunn-Halbert Graduate Student Biochemistry University of Washington
Stanley Fields Professor Genome Sciences University of Washington
Alan Chait Professor Emeritus Medicine University of Washington
Cyrus Haas Graduate Student Chemical Engineering University of Washington
Janis Abkowitz Professor Medicine (Hematology-Oncology) University of Washington and Fred Hutch
Kiran Dhillon Executive Director Cancer Vaccine Institute University of Washington
Cory Simpson Assistant Professor Dermatology University of Washington
Carmina Lichauco Graduate Student Biochemistry University of Washington
Lauren Corulli Director of Operations Cancer Vaccine Institute University of Washington
Mary-Claire King Professor Genome Sciences University of Washington
Kayla Fasano Graduate Student Immunology University of Washington
Bill Mahoney Associate Professor Laboratory Medicine & Pathology University of Washington
Anthony DeSantis Clinical Professor of Medicine Medicine University of Washington
Irl Hirsch Professor of Medicine Medicine University of Washington
Barbara Wakimoto Professor Emerita Biology University of Washingtonn
Braden Carroll Graduate Student Chemical Engineering Univeristy of Washinton, Seattle Children’s Research Institute
Xenia Averkiou Study Coordinator Diabetes Educator Diabetes Research University of Washington
Farah Naz Khan Clinical Associate Professor Medicine Medicine University of Washington
Emily Ramirez Undergraduate Researcher Orthopaedic Surgery & Sports Medicine University of Washington
Taylor Billings Laboratory Aide Translational Science and Therapeutics Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Rima Kulikauskas Directory of Specimen Repository, Merkel Cell Carcinoma Collaborative Institute Dermatology University of Washingotn
Nina LaPiana Research Scientist Neurological Surgery University of Washington
Carol Ware Professor Emerita Comparative Medicine University of Washington
Gabi Laurenz Undergraduate Researcher Mechanical Engineering University of Washington
Ariana Ghez Farrell Graduate Student Molecular and Cellular Biology Graduate Program University of Washington
Wendy Thomas Professor Bioengineering University of Washington
Madeline Dennis Postdoctoral Fellow Cancer Vaccine Institute University of Washington
Trisha Davis Muller Professor Emerita Biochemistry University of Washington

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Be heard on state tax proposals

Washington taxpayers, if you are not following what the state Democrats are… Continue reading

Protect state employee pay, benefits

State Sen. June Robinson, D-Everett, has proposed cutting the salaries of government… Continue reading

Comment: Signal fiasco too big to be dismissed as a ‘glitch’

It’s clear that attack plans were shared in an unsecured group chat. Denial won’t change the threat posed.

Douthat: ‘Oligarchy’ is not target Democrats should aim at

Their beef is more one of ideology than of class, as the oligarchs have gone where the wind blows.

The WA Cares law is designed to give individuals access to a lifetime benefit amount that, should they need it, they can use on a wide range of long-term services and supports. (Washington State Department of Social and Health Services)
Editorial: Changes to WA Cares will honor voters’ confidence

State lawmakers are considering changes to improve the benefit’s access and long-term stability.

A press operator grabs a Herald newspaper to check over as the papers roll off the press in March 2022 in Everett. (Olivia Vanni / The Herald file photo)
Editorial: Keep journalism vital with state grant program

Legislation proposes a modest tax for some tech companies to help pay salaries of local journalists.

A semiautomatic handgun with a safety cable lock that prevents loading ammunition. (Dan Bates / The Herald)
Editorial: Adopt permit-to-purchase gun law to cut deaths

Requiring training and a permit to buy a firearm could reduce deaths, particularly suicides.

Editorial cartoons for Wednesday, March 26

A sketchy look at the news of the day.… Continue reading

FILE - The sun dial near the Legislative Building is shown under cloudy skies, March 10, 2022, at the state Capitol in Olympia, Wash. An effort to balance what is considered the nation's most regressive state tax code comes before the Washington Supreme Court on Thursday, Jan. 26, 2023, in a case that could overturn a prohibition on income taxes that dates to the 1930s. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren, File)
Editorial: One option for pausing pay raise for state electeds

Only a referendum could hold off pay increases for state lawmakers and others facing a budget crisis.

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