When some people on Medicare hear the words “Medicare enrollment,” they immediately conjure an image of a thick, unwieldy binder filled with confusing options. Feeling defeated, they either settle for an inferior, more expensive plan, or give up on the process all together.
With annual enrollment starting Oct. 15 and running to Dec. 7, Cynthia Nava of Medicare Planning Partners urges people to think about working with a Medicare broker.
“Many people don’t look into a broker for Medicare because they think our services cost money. There are many benefits to having a broker in your corner. My tagline is ‘I make Medicare simple!’ and the best part is that my services are free!” Cynthia says.
“I get paid a commission through the insurance companies, but my services are free to the public,” Cynthia says.
Cynthia’s passion for helping others inspired a career change from a Clinical Social worker in Long term care to a Medicare Insurance broker. She credits her current boss, Charlene Walden, for encouraging the transition because of Cynthia’s warmth and caring. “I now love advocating for their insurance needs,” she says.
Medicare brokers: Why their free services pays health dividends for life
Reviewing options: “It’s crucial to review plans and options. With a new plan, I save people money or give them benefits they don’t have on their current plans. I’ve seen the negative effects of people not having the right plans when they’re in acute rehab or leaving the hospital,” Cynthia explains.
Multi-state service: Find a broker who’s licensed in different states. “My clients move. I am licensed in 26 states so I can help them at their new location,” Cynthia says.
Significant savings: “When I help people pay $200 a month instead of $400 a month, they’re shocked and surprised that they can save that much.”
New opportunities: Fourteen years ago, few carriers offered competitive Medicare Advantage plans. Now, they’re competing with each other, which means more and better options for people on Medicare.
For more information about Cynthia’s services, check out her website at: medicaresimple.net or call (425) 232-3375.