
Americans need to wake to reality of presidential race

My overwhelming feeling when watching the recent presidential debate was disbelief that Donald Trump is what Americans have chosen to counter the activist government policies… Continue reading

Please heed yield sign before U.S. 2 trestle

I am at my wits’ end. Maybe you can help get the word out. This is a public service announcement to all drivers coming from… Continue reading

Superior Court judge: Rivera experienced, respected

Voting for a judge is a daunting task. The judicial canons, a code of conduct, prohibits many activities that elected public officials typically engage in… Continue reading

10th LD, Pos. 1: Shavers proved himself in first term

Clyde Shavers worked very hard at being a state representative for the 10th Legislative District during his first term in office. He showed a large… Continue reading

Presidential race: Answer is yes, we’re better off now

The Trump folks ask: “Are you better off now than you were four years ago?” Of course we are. Four years ago, in October 2020,… Continue reading

Superior Court judge: Rivera has support of local jurists

We are retired judges and are writing to express our support for Judge Whitney Rivera. Between the two of us we have over 42 years… Continue reading

City of Everett must act on downtown vandalism

Is anyone else sick and tired of living in a community of boarded-up windows? Are our windows and buildings such a low priority? I have… Continue reading

Monroe, Prop. 1: Levy would add parks, police staff

I’m voting yes for Monroe Proposition 1. The parks in Monroe are a treasure to our way of life. But their beauty, availability and safety… Continue reading

I-2124 (WA Cares opt out): Vote no to preserve care benefit

Thank you, Herald Editorial Board, for your recent editorial, regarding Initiative 2124 (“Opt-out of WA Cares would cost more later,” The Herald, Sept. 24). As… Continue reading

Lake Stevens School bond: Vote yes for students’ needs

I urge everyone to vote to approve Proposition 1, the Lake Stevens School District bond, by Nov. 5. Our students deserve safe, healthy and modern… Continue reading

Lieutenant governor: Dan Matthews a leader and team builder

I am writing to ask and encourage you to vote for Dan Matthews for lieutenant governor. I met Dan earlier this year before he decided… Continue reading

Driving observations: Please be patient; and visible

I’m donning my social critic hat to make some observations. Why is there this explosion in bumper stickers that read “Student Driver; Please Be Patient”?… Continue reading

Snohomish Superior Court: Judge Rivera merits releection

As the general election draws closer, I am writing to strongly endorse Judge Whitney Rivera in her bid for re-election to the Snohomish County Superior… Continue reading

Snohomish city residents, brace for big utility rate increases

Attention all homeowners and renters in the city of Snohomish. Brace yourselves. Your water bill will more than triple (342 percent) by 2029. Your sewer… Continue reading

Give Boeing workers what they’ve earned

I wanted to give my two cents in all of this Boeing strike business. I have watched my husband work his butt off and then… Continue reading

Problem with school shootings is security, not guns

Lack of political will is the root cause behind school vulnerabilities, as it’s a funding issue. It’s harder to walk through an airport than enter… Continue reading

Voters should say yes to all four state initiatives

The following Initiatives will be on the 2024 November ballot and were approved by more than 325,000 valid signatures. These voters thought the Democratic-led Legislature… Continue reading

Ebey Island culvert work wasted on diked island

Several years ago, there was a judicial order that required the state of Washington to repair or replace culverts that restricted fish passage. At a… Continue reading

On state issues, elect Republicans, not Democrats

For many years our state has seen a very large rise in the cost of living and crime resulting in innocent people losing their jobs… Continue reading

39th LD, House: Sam Low has proved service to district

I am expressing my strong support for Sam Low’s re-election to the Washington State House of Representatives for the 39th District. Since taking office, Low… Continue reading