At the same time the highway gets expanded, Sound Transit is developing bus rapid transit lines.
Harbour Reach Drive has one vehicle lane in each direction plus bike lanes and sidewalks.
For now, drivers heading east must be patient at the red light when turning right to head east.
Extreme temperatures in late June, likely a result of climate change, damaged asphalt and concrete.
Don’t pick a route almost entirely uphill and along a single-lane highway without shoulders.
Some drivers try shortcuts that frustrate neighbors and add to the gridlock in the area.
The change is part of a “complete streets” demonstration for shared roads — and it could be the future.
Survey results show strong support for growth options, which prompted the City Council to act.
Community Transit is planning a pilot program next spring and wants to hear what people think.
Crews will soon begin building a second northbound Highway 9 lane near Market Place.
A reader asks how the city addresses a situation where so many don’t negotiate a curve.
Not everyone was on their best behavior, but a newbie transit rider managed to master the bike rack.
Snohomish County's bike shops are running out of stock and supplies to repair and restore old ones.
Sales have spiked the past several years. In Snohomish County, they’re expected to gain popularity.
The city will use a $1.85 million grant from Sound Transit to improve bicycle and pedestrian connections.
Staff review road projects for low-cost way to improve bike infrastructure. Advocates want more.
The dividers are intended to reduce crashes. Pilchuck River bridge joints, meanwhile, will be replaced.
The city and state are spending millions to improve traffic flow with more lanes and roundabouts.
The project list includes expanding the three-mile, two-lane road between Bothell and Lynnwood.
But I finally have a transit fare card, and I worry less about the COVID-19 risk on buses.