The Buzz

The Buzz: Florence, the White House and other disasters

In solidarity with the residents of the Carolinas, we’re wearing our high-water pants.

The Buzz: Please define “lodestar” and use it in a sentence

We haven’t had this much fun since trying to guess who Deep Throat was.

The Buzz: Trust us; googling yourself not as fun as it sounds

Suprisingly, our resume was rejected for a job opening at the White House press office.

The Buzz: We’ve got ‘Truth isn’t truth’ as a tramp stamp

The smoke cleared long enough for us to see what happened in the news. It can come back now.

The Buzz: Official satire column of the Enemy of the People

Read this before our security clearance is pulled.

The Buzz: Does Men’s Wearhouse carry ostrich jackets?

Please present your photo ID before reading this.

The Buzz: Grab a bowl of Goldfish crackers and enjoy

Witch season! Wabbit season! Which season?

The Buzz: He loves me; he loves me nyet

Trump and Putin go to Helsinki and back and forth.

The Buzz: As always, ‘the highest level of special’

President Trump went to Europe, and all we got was this balloon.

The Buzz: Still writing with 10 digits after the 4th of July

So long, Scott; hello tariffs; farewell plastic sporks

The Buzz: America’s leading supplier of dad jokes

Raccoons aren’t the only ones with impulse control issues.

The Buzz: This is why we don’t use Twitter

We’re not taking any chances. We’re staying away from anything stronger than Sleepy Time tea.

The Buzz: Our sister’s name is Laurel, but we call her Yanny

Book’s open; place your bets on this week’s news that wasn’t.

The Buzz: Bring Mom a laugh with her breakfast in bed

And we won’t tell her the waffles you brought her are just Eggos cut into squares.

The Buzz: We have more than 3,001 lies, but Trump’s closing in

This week: Doctor’s notes, Hobby Lobby’s latest craft project and Father Pat Conroy’s return.

The Buzz: Our apologies; no room for a Trump, Macron joke

But a slow news week meant news from Gov. J, Charlie Roses’ new talk show, and peace in our time.

The Buzz: Snubbed once again by the Pulitzer committee

Head held high we press on with snide swipes at the usual suspects.

The Buzz: Misrepresenting the news for a tenth of a century

The Zukerberg hearings, witch hunts, retirements and other looks at the week that wasn’t.

The Buzz: A longer but less frequent take on the week’s news

Our take on Stormy Daniels, football catches, Russian diplomats and the lastest Facebook outrage.

Thanks, Millard

Thanks, Millard Don’t know much about state history: Today marks the 160th anniversary of the creation of the Washington Territory, established by the Organic Act… Continue reading