The Buzz

The Buzz: Would you mind picking up our mail for us?

Thanks. Now, go behind that brick wall and poke all the packages with this stick.

The Buzz: Still saving up spit for our DNA test

O, Canada, you’re stoned and staring at your hands.

Buzz Alert: THIS IS NOT A TEST, except of your patience

Apologies, love letters and raises for everybody.

The Buzz: We like beer, too, but it’s better if you’re conscious

You’re not laughing at us; you’re laughing with us, right?

The Buzz: Dealing drugs to octopi in the name of science

Never mind the Supreme Court; we want to work in a lab and watch animals get stoned.

The Buzz: Florence, the White House and other disasters

In solidarity with the residents of the Carolinas, we’re wearing our high-water pants.

The Buzz: Please define “lodestar” and use it in a sentence

We haven’t had this much fun since trying to guess who Deep Throat was.

The Buzz: Trust us; googling yourself not as fun as it sounds

Suprisingly, our resume was rejected for a job opening at the White House press office.

The Buzz: We’ve got ‘Truth isn’t truth’ as a tramp stamp

The smoke cleared long enough for us to see what happened in the news. It can come back now.

The Buzz: Official satire column of the Enemy of the People

Read this before our security clearance is pulled.

The Buzz: Does Men’s Wearhouse carry ostrich jackets?

Please present your photo ID before reading this.

The Buzz: Grab a bowl of Goldfish crackers and enjoy

Witch season! Wabbit season! Which season?

The Buzz: He loves me; he loves me nyet

Trump and Putin go to Helsinki and back and forth.

The Buzz: As always, ‘the highest level of special’

President Trump went to Europe, and all we got was this balloon.

The Buzz: Still writing with 10 digits after the 4th of July

So long, Scott; hello tariffs; farewell plastic sporks

The Buzz: America’s leading supplier of dad jokes

Raccoons aren’t the only ones with impulse control issues.

The Buzz: This is why we don’t use Twitter

We’re not taking any chances. We’re staying away from anything stronger than Sleepy Time tea.

The Buzz: Our sister’s name is Laurel, but we call her Yanny

Book’s open; place your bets on this week’s news that wasn’t.

The Buzz: Bring Mom a laugh with her breakfast in bed

And we won’t tell her the waffles you brought her are just Eggos cut into squares.

The Buzz: We have more than 3,001 lies, but Trump’s closing in

This week: Doctor’s notes, Hobby Lobby’s latest craft project and Father Pat Conroy’s return.