
The Best Supplements For PMS Relief – Top 6 Gummies and Pills for Period Cramps

While a lot of women don’t report particularly severe PMS, menstrual cycles can cause a tidal wave of hormonal issues for some. Some form of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) affects up to 90% of women during their reproductive years, with 5-8% experiencing severe PMS, known as premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). Fortunately, over the last few years, PMS has become less of a taboo subject. More research has gone into integrative health options to help reduce PMS symptom severity.

PMS is characterized by physical and psychological symptoms like breast tenderness, bloating, depression, and mood swings that occur during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle and resolve with the onset of menstruation.

While treatments like SSRIs, oral contraceptives, and NSAIDs are available, they can have adverse effects. Vitamin and mineral supplements, such as magnesium, ginkgo biloba, and Evening Primrose, may offer a natural alternative for PMS relief as deficiencies have been linked to increased risk of premenstrual syndrome and PMDD symptoms.

The Role of Dietary Supplements in PMS Relief

Dietary supplements are products intended to supplement the diet and provide nutrients, like vitamins or minerals, which might not be consumed in sufficient quantities. They are often used to keep weight gain, address specific health issues, or enhance overall well-being.

In the context of PMS, dietary supplements are often used to alleviate symptoms by addressing nutritional deficiencies or hormonal imbalances. They are favored by many for their natural origins, fewer side effects, and the potential for long-term benefits.

The Best Supplements For PMS Relief

While the market is replete with supplements claiming to provide PMS relief, not all are backed by solid scientific evidence. It’s essential to separate the wheat from the chaff and understand which supplements can offer the relief they promise. Below are our picks for the best supplements for PMS:

  • Kittie: Best PMS Supplement 2024
  • Hormone Harmony
  • Amberen Menopause Gummies Supplement
  • NOW Supplements Menopause Support
  • Strong + Sexy Fit Hormone Support for Women
  • Rejuvica Balanced Femme



Kittie is currently one of the leading PMS supplements on the market. It can be purchased as a chocolate bar or as a capsulated supplement. Both products are made to the highest standards with ingredients that have been scientifically researched to offer relief to many PMS symptoms. We have used the capsulated version of the Kittie supplement for this trial.


Vitamin B6: This essential B vitamin is linked to cellular energy. Kittie includes it in their premier capsule supplement to alleviate mood swings and emotional symptoms of PMS. A deficiency in vitamin B6 may lead to low cognitive and physical energy, and supplementation can be beneficial, particularly if you lack this nutrient.

Vitamin D: A deficiency in vitamin D can impair immune system function. Involved in numerous bodily functions, from immune health to bone strength and hormonal equilibrium, vitamin D in Kittie is tailored to support mood and emotional symptoms during PMS.

5-HTP: Also known as 5-hydroxytryptophan, 5-HTP supports emotional well-being during PMS. It’s incorporated into Kittie’s capsule supplement and Kittie Bar and is recognized for its relaxation properties, calming the nervous system, and helping the body manage stress.

Evening Primrose Powder: Evening primrose powder collaborates with vitamin E and chasteberry to combat breast tenderness and swelling.

Vitamin E: A potent antioxidant, vitamin E supports healthy inflammation responses in the body. Kittie’s capsule supplement combines evening primrose powder and chasteberry to address breast tenderness and swelling.

Chasteberry: Renowned for PMS symptom relief, chasteberry has a long history in traditional Chinese medicine. Studies increasingly support its effectiveness in relieving menstrual cramps, breast tenderness, and swelling.

Ginger Extract: Ginger extract can calm the digestive system, especially when paired with probiotics. Kittie utilizes a potent 10:1 ginger extract to address digestive problems, relieve muscle tension, and provide necessary relief.

Magnesium Glycinate: Commonly found in sleep aids, magnesium glycinate is taken by many at night to improve sleep quality and feel refreshed upon waking. Kittie’s magnesium glycinate could benefit those experiencing disrupted sleep during PMS. It works with ginger and other ingredients in the capsule to lessen muscle tension and encourage relaxation.

Iron: Iron supplementation is typical for PMS management. As the body loses iron during PMS, taking iron can help reestablish equilibrium. Kittie’s capsule formula incorporates iron to help sustain energy levels throughout the menstrual cycle, combating fatigue.

Ginseng: Kittie includes ginseng to counteract PMS-related fatigue and energy dips. When used with iron, ginseng helps maintain energy during the menstrual cycle, enhancing vitality and energy levels. Ginseng is critical in Kittie’s capsule supplement and the Kittie Bar.

Ginkgo Biloba: Ginkgo biloba extract is included to bolster cognitive function and prevent headaches. Headaches and mental fog are common during PMS, and this ingredient aims to provide cognitive clarity.

Lactobacillus Paragasseri: Lactobacillus paragasseri is aimed at promoting gut health. Current scientific research claims that this particular strain helps alleviate digestive discomfort and contributes to balance during the menstrual cycle. It is expected to experience gut disturbances during PMS, and Lactobacillus paragasseri and other active components may offer improved gut health support.

Gingerol: The active component of ginger is gingerol extract. Research indicates that gingerol may assist with bloating, cramps, and mood swings.

Price and Customer Reviews

Kittie is currently offered at $59.99, with a 20% discount on your first purchase. Meanwhile, the Chocolate, now in vanilla or the highly sought-after orange flavor, is optimally purchased as a two-bar package for $49.99, providing a two-week supply.

Customer feedback is overwhelmingly positive, with many praising the mood-calming ingredients and the alleviation of night flushes, leading to reduced stress and improved sleep quality.

The chocolate option is a customer favorite; however, due to its high demand, it was unavailable at the time of writing.

From personal experience, I consider this product essential. Regardless of the cost to my husband, it has been transformative for me. Achieving restful sleep has significantly improved my mood and reduced my stress levels, which were causing depression and anxiety. Another benefit that my husband will appreciate is the restoration of normalcy in our intimate relationship, which has made him more than content.

Hormone Harmony


Hormone Harmony is a well-endorsed PMS product that has been manufactured with twelve natural ingredients backed by scientific research, many of which are supported by studies for their efficacy in relieving menopausal symptoms such as reducing hot flashes, stress and anxiety, aiding in weight loss, and enhancing sleep. However, the quantities of some ingredients in this supplement are less than those used in the research. Nonetheless, the combined effect of these ingredients may offer synergistic relief. Below is a breakdown of each of the 12 ingredients: Made in Australia, and for those who are concerned about the environment and carbon footprint, this may not be the best option.


Gymnema Sylvestre Extract: This extract is recognized for impacting blood sugar levels and has been utilized in traditional Indian medicine to treat diabetes. It is also known as “gurmar,” a Hindi meaning “sugar destroyer.” Research indicates that taking 300 mg of G. sylvestre extract twice daily for 12 weeks can significantly improve blood sugar control, weight, and cholesterol levels. It may also reduce sugar cravings. However, ‘Hormone Harmony’ includes only 100 mg of this extract, less than the amounts used in the studies.

Ashwagandha Root Extract: High-quality randomized controlled trials have validated the stress-relieving properties of ashwagandha. One study showed that 240 mg of ashwagandha daily could decrease anxiety, depression, and stress scores compared to a placebo. With only 100 mg of ashwagandha, Hormone Harmony might not have a substantial effect.

Rhodiola Rosea Extract: R. rosea is considered an adaptogen, and it has been proven to relieve symptoms of chronic fatigue. Research also suggests it can help reduce anxiety, stress, confusion, and anger and generally enhance mood.

Wild Yam Root Extract: Historically used as a substitute for estrogen replacement therapy to address menopause symptoms, there is limited contemporary scientific evidence to support the use of wild yam root for these purposes.

Rosemary Leaf Extract: A herb indigenous to the Mediterranean, rosemary has been traditionally used to support memory and digestive health. Nonetheless, research on its health benefits is primarily limited to rodent studies.

Fennel Seed Extract: A study indicated that fennel seed extract significantly reduced menopausal symptoms after eight weeks with a daily intake of 2 grams, a quantity exceeding that in Hormone Harmony’s daily serving.

Maca Root Extract: Research has demonstrated that maca root extract can alleviate menopausal symptoms, particularly night sweats and hot flashes, though further long-term studies are recommended.

Chamomile Extract: Commonly used for relaxation and sleep promotion, chamomile has been shown to aid in sleep, potentially benefiting those with menopause-related sleep issues.

Broccoli Sprout Extract: While nutritious and often recommended for menopausal women, current research on broccoli sprout extract for menopausal symptom relief is limited.

Berberine Extract: Found in barberry plant bark, clinical trials suggest berberine may support fat loss and blood sugar management. Still, the dosages studied were higher than those found in Hormone Harmony.

Chaste Tree Fruit Extract: Known as Vitex agnus-castus, this herbal supplement has been studied more for topical use than oral for menopausal symptoms relief. Limited research indicates it may reduce PMS symptoms like irritability and mood swings, but more comprehensive studies are needed.

American Ginseng Root Extract: In traditional Chinese medicine, randomized trials have shown that American ginseng enhances focus and energy. While studies typically use 200 mg doses, Hormone Harmony contains 150 mg, which may still offer benefits with consistent use.

Price and Customer Reviews

Currently priced at $70 for a one-time purchase, with a subscription, this is reduced to $56.

Customer reviews are predominantly positive, with numerous customers noting a decrease in night flushes and an increase in energy levels. The blend contains some excellent ingredients; however, it is somewhat undermined by others that have only been tested on lab rats without human clinical trials to confirm these results. Additionally, some ingredients are underdosed according to current recommendations, which is somewhat disheartening, particularly given the price point for a single bottle.

Does the product work? It appears to be the second-best option tested, trailing behind the Kittie supplement. It did not work as swiftly, nor did it provide all the benefits experienced with Kittie. To a certain degree, it is probably the second-best option tested, falling behind the Kittie supplement. It did not work as quickly, nor did it offer all the benefits experienced when using Kittie.

Amberen Menopause Gummies


Amberen Menopause Gummies are relatively new to the market, but they hope to continue with similar success as its top-selling product, Amberen Menopause Relief capsules. Amberen Menopause Gummies contain seven scientifically tried and tested ingredients combined into a preparatory blend.


Vitamin E (as D-α Tocopheryl Acetate): Vitamin E is known for its antioxidant properties. Antioxidants help to protect your body from damaging compounds called free radicals. It’s also used for preventing complications in late pregnancy due to high blood pressure (pre-eclampsia), for preventing preterm labor, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), benign breast disease, weak bones (osteoporosis), painful periods, menopausal syndrome, hot flashes associated with breast cancer, and breast cysts.

Ammonium Succinate: Ammonium succinate-based dietary supplements have been shown to alleviate some symptoms of Menopause, which may have some overlap with PMS symptoms.

Calcium Disuccinate: Calcium supplementation has been found to help manage PMS symptoms. It can reduce symptoms like bloating and fatigue, and it has been effective in reducing psychological symptoms, including sadness, mood swings, and anxiety.

Monosodium L-Glutamate: While there’s no direct evidence linking Monosodium L-Glutamate to PMS relief, it’s generally considered safe and is a common food additive used to enhance flavor.

Glycine: Glycine supplementation has been found to help with PMS symptoms, including anxiety, depression, and bloating.

Magnesium Disuccinate: Magnesium has been found to help with PMS symptoms, including bloating, depression, irritability, and mood changes

Zinc Difumarate: Zinc supplementation can improve PMS symptoms related to mood changes. It plays a role in liver detoxification, which helps remove excess estrogen during the first half of the cycle to prevent a steeper drop during PMS.

Price and Customer Reviews

  • Price $32.99
  • Reviews: The reviews for Amberen are mixed. On one hand, some users have reported effectiveness, particularly for hot flashes and mood. On the other hand, many negative reviews mention the awful taste, the product having little or no effect, or adverse side effects from the product. It has an average customer rating of 2.6 out of 5.0.

Like many customers, I had high hopes for a pleasant orange or tangerine flavor but was greatly disappointed. The taste did not meet expectations, and I persisted for nearly a week before giving them back to the giver. It was difficult to determine any advantages of the product due to the short trial period. I remain hopeful that the manufacturers will improve the flavor, potentially making it a worthwhile product.

Best Budget Supplement: NOW Supplements, Menopause Support


Founded in 1968 by Elwood Richard, a physical chemist, and entrepreneur who owned a small chain of health stores in Chicago, NOW Foods has become a frontrunner in affordable supplements. ‘NOW Menopause‘ is among their most sought-after product. The brand boasts a diverse portfolio of over 650 vitamins and supplements, natural foods, pet supplies, essential oils, and beauty products catering to various health objectives.


Organic Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis) (Root Rhizome): Dong Quai has been used to balance hormone levels, increase sex drive, treat infertility, ease menstrual cramps, and improve heart health1. It is also used specifically to regulate the menstrual cycle and relieve PMS symptoms such as cramps, bloating, irritability, and breast tenderness.

Red Raspberry (Rubus idaeus) (Leaf): Red Raspberry Leaf often alleviates menstrual cramps and regulates the menstrual cycle. Its natural astringent properties can help reduce excessive menstrual bleeding.

Chaste Tree Extract (Vitex agnus castus) (Fruit): Chaste Tree Extract effectively reduces hot flashes, bloating, irritability, sleep disturbances, depression, various mood disorders, and even cramping associated with premenstrual syndrome.

Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) (Flower Tops): Red Clover’s high isoflavone content is believed to help lower menopause symptoms, such as hot flashes and night sweats.

Black Cohosh Extract (Actaea racemosa) (Root): Black Cohosh is often used to relieve menstrual cramps and chronic pelvic pain. It is also used for several other purposes related to women’s health.

Soy Isoflavone Powder (Glycine max) (Seed): Soy Isoflavones may help regulate blood sugar, reduce the risk of breast cancer, and alleviate menopause symptoms or prevent osteoporosis in postmenopausal people.

Wild Yam (Dioscorea villosa) (Rhizome/Root): Wild Yam is often used to relieve menstrual cramps and chronic pelvic pain. It can also offer relief from PMS symptoms, such as bloating, cramps, and fatigue.

Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) (Rhizome/Root): Licorice root appears to have an estrogen-like effect in women, lending itself as an option for menstrual- and fertility-related concerns, including as a natural remedy for PMS.

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) (Root): Ginger root can relieve PMS symptoms like mood, cramping, and fatigue. Once your period arrives, it can address the inflammation that causes period cramps.

5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan) (from Griffonia simplicifolia Seed Extract): 5-HTP is often used to manage chronic conditions, some promoting it as a miracle cure. It may help reduce hot flashes and anxiety during Menopause.

Price and Customer Reviews

At the time of writing, Now Menopause is currently $24.99

Many reviews praise Now Menopause and its impressive affordability, with an average rating of 4.3 out of 5.0 across various websites. However, there are some concerning negative reviews, with complaints of bloating, migraines, and hair loss.

It’s always advised to consult a healthcare professional before taking any supplements, as reactions can vary widely among individuals.

I experienced minimal side effects, except for a few instances of an upset stomach, which is rare.

The supplement significantly relieved hot flashes and night sweats. However, it took longer to see results than some premium brands, such as Kittie, which outperformed NOW Menopause, and still offers considerable benefits for those on a tighter budget.

Strong + Sexy Fit Hormone Support for Women


Strong and Sexy Fit, like all PMS supplement manufacturers, looks at the challenges associated with normal hormonal fluctuations that occur monthly—using scientific data to develop Goodness, a scientifically supported formula designed to assist the female body in managing symptoms related to PMS, Menopause, hot flashes, energy deficits, and more. Goodness is a research-based formula grounded in clinical studies. Goodness is dedicated to helping you through a change in life and attempts to preserve it. If you’ve been battling PMS or menopause symptoms such as non-cystic acne, weight gain, low energy and motivation, mild mood swings, or occasional sleep disturbances, Goodness may be your ally.


Vitamin D-3: This essential vitamin supports the immune system, bone health, and skin health. It can also help improve mood.

Biotin: Known for promoting healthy hair, skin, and nails, biotin also supports cardiovascular health and boosts energy.

Folate: Essential for cellular function and development, folate plays a role in converting food to energy.

Myo-inositol: Supports the menstrual cycle and fertility and may also improve mood and promote heart health.

L-Glutathione Reduced (as Setria®): This “Master Antioxidant” has excellent antioxidant properties and supports immune function.

DIM (Broccoli): Supports weight loss and estrogen metabolism and reduces non-cystic acne.

Calcium D-Glucarate: Aids the body’s elimination processes.

Chasteberry: Helps relieve PMS symptoms, supports hormone levels, and reduces mild mood swings and bloating. It also supports milk production in new mothers.

D-Chiro-inositol: Supports metabolism and cardiovascular health

Price and Customer Reviews

It is priced at $48.00 and is suitable for approximately 30 days of usage. One serving is one 6g scoop into the water; the flavor is Rose Lemonade.

Customer reviews on this product are a little thin on the ground. What I was able to find was that Goodness had mixed reviews, with some customers claiming that this had transformed their lives. On the downside, others complained that it had no or little effect, mixing wasn’t always easy, and it had a powdery taste, while others did not like the taste of the Rose lemonade.

In my experience, it was adequate for night-time hot flashes but had minimal impact on other PMS symptoms. The taste wasn’t enjoyable, yet I completed the month’s trial. Was I considering another month? If hot flushes were my only concern, perhaps, but I expected more benefits for the cost. It’s a viable option for those seeking a non-capsule solution for hot flushes alone. Important to note: the manufacturer advises against taking it on an empty stomach—instead, take it in the morning with water and avoid it if you’re on hormonal birth control, as it may lessen its effectiveness.

Balanced Femme Natural PMS and Menopause Support


Balanced Femme Natural PMS and Menopause Support supplements several natural ingredients manufactured by Rejuvica Health. It is a liquid option for those who do not like taking capsulated supplements. Here are the ingredients and their associated health benefits:


Vitex (Chasteberry): Vitex is known for regulating estrogen levels within the body, effectively helping to regulate periods1. It may also enhance fertility, reduce symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and Menopause, and repel certain insects.

Dong Quai: Dong Quai is celebrated for its ability to regulate hormones and aid in menstrual-related issues. It may help increase libido and fertility likelihood, reduce symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and Menopause, and repel certain insects.

Black Cohosh: Black Cohosh is used for its potential to increase libido and fertility, boost energy and performance, improve mood, reduce inflammation, and treat gallbladder problems56.

Wild Yam: Wild Yam is used for various health benefits such as boosting libido, increasing fertility, boosting energy, and improving mood. It may also help manage menopause symptoms and blood pressure.

Maca Root: Maca Root may help improve sexual function, memory enhancement, anti-inflammatory effects, and skin protection.

Red Raspberry Leaf: Red Raspberry Leaves are exceptionally high in tannins, giving the plant its well-known astringent benefits. The leaves are also a great source of antioxidants, including flavonoids, polyphenols, and tannins, which can help protect the body’s cells against damage and prevent disease.

Price and Customer Reviews

Currently priced at $34 for a 2 FL Oz bottle with a 20% should you purchase four products from the Rejuvica product range.

Customer reviews for this product are generally positive, with an average rating of 3.9 across various platforms. Many appreciate the ease of use, as the product can be added to a favorite beverage or administered directly onto the tongue using the dropper, taken one to three times daily, or as advised by a healthcare professional.

Personally, this product wasn’t the top performer in my tests, but its liquid form will likely attract a specific audience. At the maximum daily dosage (three), it helped rapidly alleviate my night sweats and hot flashes. Although it doesn’t reach the standards of some other supplements reviewed, it deserves recognition for the relief it provides. This might be a viable alternative for those who struggle with taking capsules or powders.

FAQs About PMS Supplements

Q: What Are the Most Effective Supplements for Managing PMS Symptoms?

A: Several supplements are noted for their effectiveness in managing PMS symptoms. These include Chasteberry, widely used for female reproductive health, Iron, Vitamin E, Ginkgo Biloba, Vitamin B-6, Vitamin D, Calcium, and Evening Primrose Oil. Each of these supplements plays a role in alleviating various PMS symptoms.

Q: Which Medication is Recommended for Alleviating PMS Symptoms?

A: The combined oral contraceptive pill is often recommended for reducing PMS symptoms. Specifically, newer contraceptive pills containing a progestogen called drospirenone are considered first-choice treatments due to their effectiveness in improving PMS-related discomfort.

Q: What Supplements Can Help Lessen Menstrual Pain?

A: Magnesium is a supplement known to potentially reduce menstrual pain. However, it is essential to consult with a healthcare provider before starting magnesium, especially if you have digestive issues or heart disease, as high doses can cause side effects like diarrhea and lower blood pressure.

Q: What Lifestyle Changes Can Be Effective for PMS Relief?

A: To manage PMS effectively, consider incorporating regular exercise and maintaining a healthy, balanced diet. Consuming smaller, more frequent meals could be advantageous for your health. Ensuring adequate sleep, typically 7 to 8 hours per night, and reducing stress through activities like yoga or meditation can also help alleviate PMS symptoms.

Final Thoughts on The Best Supplements For PMS Relief

Having endured the significant side effects of PMS, such as hot flashes, night sweats, stomach cramps, headaches, stress, and lack of sleep, I was acutely aware of the impact these were having on my family and my husband. Finding a supplement that provided relief without resorting to HRT treatment was my only option.

Enter Kittie. This single premium supplement addressed nearly all the issues I needed help with. I experienced no side effects, and my husband noticed the difference. His sleep improved first, as I no longer had hot flashes or night sweats and fell asleep faster. Consequently, my stress levels decreased, which was the second improvement he observed.

Any additional benefits were a bonus for me, but Kittie continued to deliver, eliminating bloating and headaches and making my days wonderful.

While Kittie was the perfect solution for me, it’s worth mentioning that two other products, the budget-friendly NOW Menopause and Hormone Harmony, also provided some relief and deserve recognition in this review.


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